Hello, and thank you for taking the time to visit my website.
I first started work on this site about three months prior to this post. I picked out the domain name and VPS, started trying out different designs, and in general was just playing around with the idea of what my website would be, and how myself and others would use it.
The short of it is, I just want to have a website all to myself, far away from the numerous micro-frustrations of the Modern Web.
I can imagine that this is a rather underwhelming first post. That's probably because I'm up late writing this, and I want to have some text on a page so I can troubleshoot and officially say the site is up.
To that point, here's an image and a caption, both for your enjoyment and for my knowing that images with captions do in fact work:
Alright! I'm tired and don't have it in me to articulate any further. Thank you for reading!
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